One of the most dangerous greed that humans usually have is greed for power.

The tendency towards greed for power over others can be seen everywhere, from within family to school, from workplace to society at large and especially true in politic.

The tendency towards greed for power over others also can be seen in every relationship, between wives and husbands, between friends, between parents and children, between teachers and students and so on.

But the greed for power is seen very clearly in government officials and especially in career politicians.

Why humans tend to greed for power? Because with power they can satisfy themselves with other kinds of greed. There are six of them: Greed for money, for fame, for sex, for stomach, for idleness and for power.

With power one can have all of other greed at once. With power they can take money from others to lavish their lifestyle. With power they can have the most beautiful women or men and satisfy their lust. With power they can be famous and worshiped by others. With power they can have the most delicious food others cannot have and with power they will have other people to do things for them.

That is why career politicians always try their best to linger to power. Human history are full of those who greed for absolute power over others.

The United States of America is a Republic and it is hard for those greedy career politicians to have absolute power. So, to achieve their dream and to get absolute power, they must destroy the republic system from within.


To turn a democratic republic into a socialist tyrannical country they first must buy votes from ignorant citizens, especial young people. They do that with money from taxpayers, not their own money.

To have absolute power the greedy career politicians will make sure that citizens under their rules must be poor, dirt poor when comparing to those in power. The career politicians cannot have absolute power when citizens are wealthy, self sufficient and have the mean to oppose them.

That is why in America they must destroy the middle class.

In a tyrannical country there is no middle class. In a tyrannical country there are only two caste: Rich and poor. Rich are the ruling class and their allies or party members. Poor are all citizens.


For career politicians who are greedy for power, a society with two caste is more easy to control and to rule than a society with a middle class.

Let examine the slogan that greedy career politicians often use in their political campaign. It is called Spread wealth around or Take from the rich and give it to the poor.

With that kind of slogan greedy politicians will entice the poor to vote for them because they think they would be better off with wealth from the rich when those cunning career politicians are in power. History has showed that it will never happen. The greedy politicians will forget the poor very quickly when they are in absolute power.

And with that kind of slogan the rich will be afraid of the poor because they are numerous and have more votes than them. At the same time the rich will be afraid of the career politicians because those greedy when they are in power could issue laws to confiscate their wealth. Therefore the rich will seek protection from career politicians by heaping them with money and expensive gifts. It has happened clearly and abundantly in tyrannical countries and in communist nations.

At the end, with that kind of slogan, the greedy career politicians will achieve their dream of absolute power and wealth beyond imagination.

That is why in America they must destroy the middle class at all cost by all means including treason and lawlessness.


– To destroy the middle class they must make things to be more expensive to have. To do that they have restricted oil production and destroyed the country’s energy independence. They have also restricted farming by issuing many harsh laws and regulations.

– To destroy the middle class they must eliminate high paying jobs. To do that they encouraged companies to move their production lines to China.

– To destroy the middle class they have opened the borders for illegal immigrants.

With flood of illegal immigrants the scarcity will be happened in every sector of society and prices will be increased many folds. It will make life harder for the middle class until it is completely destroyed.

With flood of illegal immigrants the safety and security of the society will be deteriorated quickly. Therefore it will increase the power and control of the ruling class.

With flood of illegal immigrants many infectious diseases will spread quickly and destroy the wellness and livelihood of the middle class. Health insurance will be increased sky high and the middle class will be poorer until there is no more middle class.

With flood of illegal immigrants the taxes will be higher and higher to pump money into budgets in order to give the illegals free stuffs like healthcare, shelters, clothing, foods, phones, schooling, nursing, transportations and much more, even to the point of helping them to sue law-abiding citizens. The burden will be on the middle class and those rich who do not support that treasonous scheme.

With flood of illegal immigrants the peculiar law about the rights of squatters and home invaders will achieve it objective quickly. That is to take wealth from hard working citizens and distributing it to foreigners. Together with no ID voting law the career politicians are sure to have votes not only from the death and unreal people but from foreigners and invaders as well to stay forever in power.

– To destroy the middle class greedy career politicians must drown America in massive debt.

The rich have their wealth all over the world so they don’t care much. They can move freely and easily to somewhere else. The poor have nothing to lose. Only the middle class will bear the burden and eventually will be destroyed.

One of many ways to increase the massive debt is to expand government and pay government employees and government officials with high salaries and make it difficult to fire government bureaucrats. They take it from communist playbook. Government officials and bureaucrats are voting base and supports for those who are thirst for absolute power, so they must be protected.

– To destroy the middle class they must use the scheme of Climate change to put financial burden on them.

To do that they have made ICE vehicles becomes more expensive and they are going to force the middle class to buy much more expensive electric vehicles which are prone to breakdown and costly to repair. The rich can afford such vehicles, the poor will depend more on Government for public transportation, but the middle class will be burdened down with such costly purchases and eventually become poor. Then there will be no more middle class in America.

At the same time the career politicians destroy the American middle class they also make the poor to believe that they work and fight for them by using propaganda and by cunning schemes.

The career politicians just want the poor to vote for them so that they can be in power for the rest of their lives. In return they make the poor becoming poorer.

For example: They said they fight for the poor by increasing the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. The poor gladly voted for them. But after achieving $15.00 an hour, the career politicians in power issued restriction on producing oil to make commodity and everything to be expensive. They caused high inflation. Then they increased interests in financial sector to fight it. When interests increase, everything becomes more expensive. By doing so they make the minimum wage of $15.00 an hour became insufficient. The poor continue to be poor or poorer.

Now they said they fight for the poor again by increasing the minimum wage to $20.00 an hour. The career politicians use their cunning scheme again and the American poor will again be deceived.

Many low wage workers will be fired because companies want to replace them with automatic machines to keep profit margins. But the ignorant poor will vote for those career politicians again because they do not know that those they voted for are trying their best to keep them poor and poorer for the rest of their lives.

To have absolute power greedy career politicians must take the mean to oppose them from the hands of citizens. That is why in America they want to eliminate the Second Amendment.

– To achieve that they first must make society unsafe and unsecured so that gun violence happened so often that people will eventually support their scheme to eliminate the Second Amendment.

That is why their laws have been so soft and so lenient towards criminals. They want criminals to be emboldened to commit more crimes, especially with guns and at the same time to make citizens to take the law into their own hands by using guns to protect themselves and to punish criminals. Then greedy career politicians will pretend to secure society at last by eliminate the Second Amendment completely.

To have absolute power career politicians must divide American society so that people cannot be united to oppose those are in power.

To do that they have been using races, genders, religions, ideologies and lifestyles to make citizens go against each others so that they forget that the real enemy of the nation and of the people are those who greedy for absolute power, the kind of power is seen in communist countries.

To have absolute power career politicians must weaken the America from within by killing Americans with drugs. They never want to win in the drug war. That is why it has been prolong for many decades without any positive result. In recent time with their open border policy they have helped to flood American streets with fentanyl, a killing drug that has sent hundreds of thousands young Americans to their early graves.

To have absolute power career politicians have used any mean to silence Americans. They are killing freedom of speech with many obscure, ridiculous reasons masqueraded as hate speech.

The career politicians arrogantly think that nobody knows their scheme. That is why they were emboldened saying that they will fundamentally change America. They mean they will change this Republic into a socialist/communist country so that they can have absolute power over the people.

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