It is the law book (Joshua 1: 8). When thinking of that phrase, many people thought right away of the law for the Israelites, but it is more than that. The Bible is the book of law for all mankind, for every generation. There are many life questions that we cannot find answers anywhere except in the Bible. With His wisdom, God already gave us all the answers in the Bible (about military, politic, health, marriage, science and everything else). We will discuss more about it in other articles.

Because it is the book of law so anyone approaches it in order to understand it must do it like someone who studies laws. It means to consider word by word, verse by verse, to compare precedent and similar meanings in The Bible relating to the word or phrase that needs to understand. We will demonstrate that kind of approach later.

No one should attempt to understand the Bible with his own mind, his own knowledge (even he has many theological credentials) or his own ability to understand matters in this world. God’s wisdom is unfathomed to human beings (Isaiah 40: 28), so if someone thinks that with his many years of study in theological colleges or seminaries that can give him the ability to understand God’s Word, he is really insulting Him. Do you think with jus a few years in schools (or maybe a life time schooling in theological classes) you can understand God who created this universe with mere words only? Many people who cannot even understand themselves think that by reading the Bible from cover to cover a few times make them experts about it! We never think we ever understand the Bible. The whole human beings cannot understand the Bible. We are jus a speck of dust on His scale (Isaiah 40: 15). Do you think the dust of this Earth understands us? Do you think the dust that you sweep away everyday from your floor can understand you? How comes human beings think that by mere human effort they themselves can be able to understand God or His words?

The only way that we humans can understand the Bible is letting the Bible explain itself. That means we interpret the Bible with its verses and phases, because it’s the book of law. Let God explains Himself to us, do not attempt to do it for Him.

(Please remember, translating and interpreting the Bible are two different kinds of work. We can translate the Bible (be really careful to do it), but we interpret the Bible by itself, that’s the only way)

Let think about it in a simple way like this before we go further. If God gave the world the Bible and only one class of humans can properly interpret it, the people who can afford colleges, so the rest of us have to depend on them to understand it? How could He be the righteous God if He gave a group of people the privilege and the power to control how human beings could understand the only book He blessed the world with? No, He did not do that.

He will explain His Word by Himself (that means by the Holy Spirit) and everyone only needs to pray to Him and uses the Bible to interpret itself. Everyone and anyone can do it if they really want to understand the Bible seriously. That’s a righteous way from the righteous God.


JOSHUA 1: 8 – This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

ISAIAH 40: 28 – Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord,the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.

ISAIAH 40: 15 – Behold, the nations are as a drop in a bucket, and are counted as the small dust on the scales

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