– One of the most important questions that humans have had for a long time and it’s so hard to answer is ‘Is God real?’

– That question has been existed from the ancient time and gone through the human history to nowadays.

– The world has many religions because humans want to find God and explain about Him.

– And because of many religions that we have many names for God.

– But the question about His existence is still embedded deep in human mind.

– In ancient time, when knowledge was still primitive, people thought of nature phenomenon as spirits (like thunder, rain, storm) and they all were under God’s control.

– But when human knowledge is more advanced then people know that they are jus nature phenomenon happening according to weather.

– Even so there are many rules of physics for the universe and on Earth that make scientist astounding.

– When mentioning about rules and orders we know that they do not come into existence as they are, but they must be set up by God.

– We can have this example to illustrate about that: If a household did not have someone to take care of it, it would be a mess after a short time, but if it did, it would be clean and in order throughout.

– In the same way if the universe and our world did not have God they would be in chaos and very messy, but because they have God to reign over them so they have been in perfect orders, and that’s why scientists can be able to discover rules and orders of the universe.

– For example if the earth did not have gravity, people, water, every object and even atmosphere would be thrown out into space.

– Likewise if there was no gravity between the Sun and the Earth to keep the proper distance, the Earth would be too cold or too hot to live on.

– Humans have been benefited from those rules and orders from the beginning of time but they don’t often pay much attention to them.

– The scientists cannot set up of those rules and orders for nature, they only discovered them as they have been there from the time God created them

– One of the most surprising things is that what scientists discovered in the 19th century had been recorded in the Bible from 4000 years ago, as it was written in Job 37: 18:

JOB 37: 18 – Can you join him in spreading out the skies, hard as a mirror of cast bronze?

– Scientists in the 19th century discovered that the atmosphere that covers the Earth’s surface acting like a shield to protect it from millions of small asteroid that hit the Earth every year. Instead of exploding like nuclear bombs, most of them are burnt out when reaching the Earth’s surface after going through the atmosphere.

– But 4000 years ago that knowledge had been recorded in the Bible when people did not know much about science. If it was not inspired by God, it could not be written by ancient authors.

– One more thing that can help us to know that God is real is by human hearts.

– As it was written in Romans 2: 15, every commandment, rule and standard that God has set up to distinguish good and bad has always been recognized as such in every culture around the world.

– For example, although many people have never read the Bible which was written from 4000 years ago but they all agree of the standards that God has set for good and bad.

– That is the proof proving that human heart was created by God and because of that it has the same standards of good and bad as the Bible’s.

– God created animals, too, but He did not give them hearts or souls like human’s, that’s why they live by instinct only.

– Because humans can understand what is good and what is evil, so we cannot be the product of evolution from apes. That’s why we know that humans were created by God.

– And because humans were created by God so it is quite natural and the most sensible that we should come back to Him and worship Him.

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